Sustainable Mobility
Four Conversations is an annual signature programme by the National Library where thought leaders share new possibilities for the future, while inspiring lifelong learning and the creation of new knowledge.
This resource guide has been produced to complement the conversation on Sustainable Mobility.
The speakers for the topic “Sustainable Mobility” are:

Robin Chase
Transportation Entrepreneur (USA)

Dr Lynette Cheah
Associate Professor of Engineering Systems, SUTD (Singapore)
This session was moderated by Dr Limin Hee, Director at the Centre for Liveable Cities.
Transport is one of the main contributors to emissions, noise pollution and climate change. Privately-owned, fossil fuel cars use hundreds of times more raw material than their battery electric equivalents. [^2] They exacerbate transport problems including congestion, air pollution and urban space deficiency. The challenge of reducing carbon dioxide emissions and dealing with other sustainable issues calls for a change of the current mobility system.
Smart mobility provides sustainable mobility and involves various innovations in information and communication technologies, ranging from high-tech solutions to data communication and software applications. [^3] Such innovations enable a shift towards a more service-based mobility system, which makes urban transport more sustainable and environment friendly. Trends indicate a shift of ownership towards accessibility as well as the emergence of shared forms of mobility like ride-sharing and bike-sharing. Smart mobility also powers the development of automated mobility ranging from driving assistance to autonomously driving vehicles. The combination of the electrification of mobility, shared mobility, and automated mobility gives rise to the development of shared, autonomous, electric vehicles (SAEVs). SAEVs are expected to play a significant part in the transformation of the transport system. [^3] Singapore is poised to become the global hub for autonomous transport technologies and a leader in the global smart mobility market. [^1]
This guide provides supplementary resources for those who are keen to further explore this topic. You can also visit to search for more resources.
This resource guide was prepared in September 2021 by Darren Seow, Senior Librarian at the National Library, Singapore.
[^1]: Coppens, J. (2021, June 4). The future of sustainable transportation. Accenture. Retrieved 2021, September 6 from
[^2]:Jolly, J. (2021, March 1). Fossil fuel cars make 'hundreds of times' more waste than electric cars. The Guardian. Retrieved 2021, September 6 from
[^3]:Manders, T., et al. (2020). The ultimate smart mobility combination for sustainable transport? A case study on shared electric automated mobility initiatives in the Netherlands. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 5. Retrieved 2021, September 6 from
[^4]:Manders, T., et al. (2020). The ultimate smart mobility combination for sustainable transport? A case study on shared electric automated mobility initiatives in the Netherlands. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 5. Retrieved 2021, September 6 from
[^5]:Coppens, J. (2021, June 4). The future of sustainable transportation. Accenture. Retrieved 2021, September 6 from
Singapore is shaping the future of mobility
Ratti, C. (2021, August 10). Singapore is shaping the future of mobility. Project Syndicate.
Retrieved 2021, September 6 from
The technology that is driving the future of smart mobility
Tabbitt, S. (2021, August 2). The technology that is driving the future
of smart mobility. SmartCitiesWorld. Retrieved 2021, September
6 from
The lost history of the electric car – and what it tells us about the future of transport
Standage, T. (2021, August 3). The lost history of the electric car –
and what it tells us about the future of transport. The Guardian.
Retrieved 2021, September 6 from
UK Transport Vision 2050
Mukerjee, I. (2021, August 5). UK transport vision 2050. Innovate UK.
Retrieved 2021, September 6 from
The technology that could transform congestion pricing
Chase, R. (2019, May 12). The technology that could transform congestion
pricing. Nexgov. Retrieved 2021, September 6 from
Robin Chase on the future of transportation and mobility - 'On Cities' masterclass series
Robin Chase on the future of transportation and mobility - 'On Cities'
masterclass series. (2021, April 21). Norman Foster Foundation.
Retrieved 2021, September 6 from
Tomorrow's cities: Sustainable mobility, compact districts, green space
Tomorrow's Cities: Sustainable mobility, compact districts, green space.
(2021, March 31). WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. Retrieved
2021, September 6 from
Journal Articles
COVID-19 – A window of opportunity for the transition toward sustainable mobility?
Schmidt, K., et al. (2021). COVID-19 – A window of opportunity for the
transition toward sustainable mobility? Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives,
10. Retrieved 2021, September 6 from
Building a transport system that works: Five insights from our 25-city report
Chechulin, D., et al. (2021, August 11). Building a transport system that
works: Five insights from our 25-city report. McKinsey. Retrieved
2021, September 6 from
Transport: Overcoming constraints, sustaining mobility
Chinnaraj, R. R., & Misir, T (Ed.). (2021). Transport: Overcoming constraints, sustaining
mobility. Singapore: Centre for Liveable Cities.
Creating liveable cities through car-lite urban mobility
Creating liveable cities through car-lite urban mobility. (2016).
Singapore: Centre for Liveable Cities; Asia Pacific: Urban Land Institute.
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